| |
- exceptions.IOError(exceptions.EnvironmentError)
- RangeError
- RangeableFileObject
- urllib.ftpwrapper
- ftpwrapper
- urllib2.BaseHandler
- HTTPRangeHandler
- HTTPSRangeHandler
- urllib2.FTPHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler)
- FTPRangeHandler
- urllib2.FileHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler)
- FileRangeHandler
class HTTPRangeHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler) |
Handler that enables HTTP Range headers.
This was extremely simple. The Range header is a HTTP feature to
begin with so all this class does is tell urllib2 that the
"206 Partial Content" reponse from the HTTP server is what we
import urllib2
import byterange
range_handler = range.HTTPRangeHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(range_handler)
# install it
# create Request and set Range header
req = urllib2.Request('http://www.python.org/')
req.header['Range'] = 'bytes=30-50'
f = urllib2.urlopen(req) |
Methods defined here:
- http_error_206(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
- http_error_416(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
Methods inherited from urllib2.BaseHandler:
- __lt__(self, other)
- add_parent(self, parent)
- close(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from urllib2.BaseHandler:
- handler_order = 500
class HTTPSRangeHandler(HTTPRangeHandler) |
Range Header support for HTTPS. |
- Method resolution order:
- HTTPSRangeHandler
- HTTPRangeHandler
- urllib2.BaseHandler
Methods defined here:
- https_error_206(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
- https_error_416(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
Methods inherited from HTTPRangeHandler:
- http_error_206(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
- http_error_416(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
Methods inherited from urllib2.BaseHandler:
- __lt__(self, other)
- add_parent(self, parent)
- close(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from urllib2.BaseHandler:
- handler_order = 500
class RangeableFileObject |
File object wrapper to enable raw range handling.
This was implemented primarilary for handling range
specifications for file:// urls. This object effectively makes
a file object look like it consists only of a range of bytes in
the stream.
# expose 10 bytes, starting at byte position 20, from
# /etc/aliases.
>>> fo = RangeableFileObject(file('/etc/passwd', 'r'), (20,30))
# seek seeks within the range (to position 23 in this case)
>>> fo.seek(3)
# tell tells where your at _within the range_ (position 3 in
# this case)
>>> fo.tell()
# read EOFs if an attempt is made to read past the last
# byte in the range. the following will return only 7 bytes.
>>> fo.read(30) |
Methods defined here:
- __getattr__(self, name)
- This effectively allows us to wrap at the instance level.
Any attribute not found in _this_ object will be searched for
in self.fo. This includes methods.
- __init__(self, fo, rangetup)
- Create a RangeableFileObject.
fo -- a file like object. only the read() method need be
supported but supporting an optimized seek() is
rangetup -- a (firstbyte,lastbyte) tuple specifying the range
to work over.
The file object provided is assumed to be at byte offset 0.
- read(self, size=-1)
- Read within the range.
This method will limit the size read based on the range.
- readline(self, size=-1)
- Read lines within the range.
This method will limit the size read based on the range.
- seek(self, offset, whence=0)
- Seek within the byte range.
Positioning is identical to that described under tell().
- tell(self)
- Return the position within the range.
This is different from fo.seek in that position 0 is the
first byte position of the range tuple. For example, if
this object was created with a range tuple of (500,899),
tell() will return 0 when at byte position 500 of the file.